Hi-impact Plates
The Hi-impact plates are made for intensive drops. These are extremely well-built and expertly crafted. We use fine quality rubber for these that makes them slim and zero bounce.
Ten plates of 45 lb can easily fit into an Olympic bar with 16.5 inches of sleeves and collars and there will still be space left. The tools and polished inserts are designed with high accuracy and stainless steel for commercial use. They let the plates move across the bar without any resistance.
Superior rubber is used to make these plates and it gives them a soft rebound. It is a favored choice of many trainers, weightlifters, and gymnasium owners. The plates’ collars are made of stainless steel for more durability. To make the maximum space available on the bar, we insert the collars from the plate’s outer border.
The bumpers follow the standards laid down by the IWF. These have a diameter of 17.7 inches/450 millimeters and are ideal for carrying out various kinds of lifts like deadlift, snatch, and clean and jerk.
It is a very reasonably priced, noiseless, soft rebound, and an excellent-performance product for a gymnasium, training facility, or weight room compared to plates made of cast iron and regular bumper plates.
You can purchase Hi-Impact bumper plates made particularly for dropping and designed with advanced technology. We use rubber that is naturally strong and long-lasting to craft these bumpers.
Rubber has a distinctive odor and all rubber products emit such a smell. Although, it dissipates after a while.
Key Features:
- Hi-impact plates are made from superior quality and density rubber. They also have sturdy steel inserts that can survive recurring drops with a minimum rebound.
- The inner ring comes with a 2” diameter. The inner ring is appropriate for any Olympic dumbbell bar, sled, or barbell that has a diameter of two inches.
- To identify every Hi-Impact plate easily, every plate is labeled in Kilograms (Kgs) as well as pounds (Lbs).
- Compared to the regular bumper, the Hi-Impact plates have a soft rebound or bounce for high usage and protection. It doesn’t cause much damage to the floor.
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