Your Best Custom Plyo Boxes Manufacturer In China

  • Provide over 40 patents that meet ISO20957 standard
  • Competitive balance between price, quality, and brand
  • The excellent customer-oriented sales team that will support you all the time

  • Used in plyometric activities
  • Allows users to  control the difficulty levels
  • Strong and sturdy construction
  • Reduce the chance of injury by increasing flexibility and muscular strength
  • Give a consistent, safe, space-efficient, and effective step exercise
Fig 19 A Plyosoft

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Over 95% clients choose to cooperate with Yanre Fitness, after visiting our factory and trying our commercial gym equipment personally.

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Our gym equipment meet ISO 20957 standard, with over 40 patents (Utility Model Patents & Appearance Design Patents)

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R&D Invest

For more than 20 years, Yanre Fitness invested over 8 million USD for technology development.

Custom Plyo Boxes – The Ultimate FAQ Guide

A good commercial gym is incomplete without the latest accessories and equipment. Plyo boxes are considered important pieces of a good commercial gym. 

That is why we have brought this ultimate FAQ guide so that you have complete knowledge and awareness about custom plyo boxes. 

In this definitive FAQ guide, you will know about what a custom plyo box is, its uses, types, sizes, and much more. You will also know about the average prices of these boxes so that it is easy for you to decide how many boxes you can afford to have in your gym. 

Let’s start.

Table of Contents

What is the purpose of a custom plyo box in a commercial gym?

A plyo box is a short name for a plyometric box. It is a closed box made of a hard material that is meant to support different kinds of exercises in a gym. It is mostly in a rectangular shape and comes in different sizes. 

A custom plyo box is designed with special instructions as per the guidelines of a buyer. For example, a gym owner can ask the manufacturer to print the logo of his commercial gym on plyo boxes. 

The custom plyo boxes look like simple wooden pieces but they have a huge usage in a commercial gym. A variety of exercises can be performed with these boxes. 

Starting from arms, chest, and moving on to abs, thighs, and legs, every part of the body can be trained with these boxes. 

Your gym members just have to change their angles and positions with these custom plyo boxes and they will perform as many exercises as they want. 

Whether your gym members are professional athletes or they just come to your gym for regular fitness, a custom plyo box is relevant to each of them. 

What are the different classifications of a custom plyo box?

Custom plyo boxes have many types and classifications depending upon multiple factors including material, shape, and objectives. Some of the major types of these boxes have been discussed below. 

Wood Plyo Box

A wood plyo box is made of wooden material. Following are the most common subtypes of wooden plyo boxes. 

  • Non-stacking Wood Plyo Box

As the name suggests, the non-stacking wood plyo box is specially made to remain intact and is meant to function as a single box without being piled up. 

These boxes are strong enough to bear heavy loads for exercise purposes. 

Fig 1 Standard Wooden Plyo box

Fig 1 Simple Wood Plyo Box (Image src – Yes4All)

  • Stackable Wood Plyo Box

These are the types of plyo boxes that can be stacked or piled up upon one another to make a larger or pillar-like plyo box. 

These wooden plyo boxes can also be joined temporarily or permanently with the help of screws. The stackable wooden plyo boxes are often used where a specific height of the boxes is essentially required. 

Fig 2 Stackable Wooden Plyo

Fig 2 Stackable Wood Plyo Box (Image src – Yes4All)

  • 3-In-1 Wood Plyo Boxes

A 3-in-1 wood plyo box is a kind of multifunctional box. These boxes are meant to facilitate three different heights for exercises with a single plyo box. These boxes can help train your legs, abs, and shoulders. 

Two or more plyo boxes can also be used to be joined together as per the choice of the trainee so that the required angle and height can be easily obtained. 

Fig 3 Three in One Plyo box

Fig 3 3-In-1 Wood Plyo Box (Image src – Synergee)

Foam Plyo Box

A foam plyo box is made of soft foam material. Following are the main subtypes of these plyo boxes. 

  • Non-stacking Foam Plyo Box

The non-stacking foam plyo boxes are specially designed to perform delicate exercises. These plyo boxes are used in single pieces and cannot be piled upon one another. 

Generally, rough and tough plyo exercises are not performed with these non-stackable soft plyo boxes because the surface of these plyo boxes is delicately made to facilitate softcore exercises for amateurs. 

Fig 4 Soft Foam PLyo Box 2

Fig 4 Non-stacking Foam Custom Plyo Box (Image src – Philosophy Gym)

  • Stackable Foam Plyo Box

A stackable foam plyo box is meant to attain a specific height to accommodate tougher exercises as opposed to non-stacking foam plyo boxes. 

They can be piled up or joined together so that the relatively tougher and hardcore exercises can be performed with these types of plyo boxes. 

Fig 5 Stackable Soft Foam Plyo

Fig 5 Stackable Foam Plyo Box (Image src – Yes4All)

Plastic Custom Plyo Box

A plastic plyo box is made up of plastic material. As plastic is one of the most economic solutions in manufacturing, these plyo boxes are considered to be the most affordable option for gym owners. 

The surface is made up of hard plastic so that it can bear the weight and impact during plyo exercises like step-up exercises. These plyo boxes are not easily damaged.

Fig 6 Step up Platic Plyo Box

Fig 6 Plastic Custom Plyo Box (Image src – Yes4All)

Steel Plyo Box

A steel plyo box comes at the top while talking about the durability, hardness, and impact-bearing qualities of plyo boxes. The highly resistant and long-lasting plyo boxes are made up of composite steel materials. 

The steel plyo boxes are used as single pieces and can also be used as stackable plyo boxes by piling up these boxes upon one another to achieve the desired height. 

Fig 7 Stacakable Steel Plyo

Fig 7 Steel Plyo Box (Image src – Meister)

Adjustable Height Plyo Box

An adjustable plyo box is generally made up of steel material. It comes with different slots to adjust its height according to the needs. These boxes are designed especially to facilitate different levels of exercise toughness. 

Instead of having stackable plyo boxes that take time and effort to adjust according to the needs of your gym members, you can have these adjustable plyo boxes as a single solution to meet the different requirements of your gym members. 

Fig 8 Adjustable Plyo Box

Figure 8 Adjustable Height Plyo Box (Image src – Titan fitness)

What are the different dimensions of custom plyo boxes?

The custom plyo boxes come in three different sizes. They are referred to as small, medium, and large sizes of custom plyo boxes. 

  • Small size dimensions : 12”*14”*16”
  • Medium size dimensions: 16”*20”*24”
  • Large size dimensions : 20”*24”*30”

You can’t really categorize which size would be the best for your gym members. Generally speaking, small and medium sizes of plyo boxes are ideal for beginners and amateurs while large sizes are generally required by professionals. 

As a gym owner, you must have different kinds of plyo boxes in your gym having different sizes so that you can facilitate each of your gym members without any preferences and categorization. 

However, you can have small and medium-sized plyo boxes in a relatively higher number if most of your gym members come to your gym for general fitness.  

Can the plyo boxes be customized?

Yes, plyo boxes can be customized as per your preferences. You can choose to have plyo boxes according to your preferred design. 

Before you ask your vendor to customize the plyo boxes, you need to make sure that you have discussed all the other parameters, dimensions, and properties of the plyo boxes with the manufacturer.  

Yanre Fitness offers to customize plyo boxes in the following ways. 

  • Your brand name can be printed in the plyo boxes. 
  • Your logo can be printed. 
  • You can choose the color of your plyo boxes. 

We make sure to make and deliver the plyo boxes as per the general and customization requirements of our clients. 

How long does a custom plyo box last?

How long a custom plyo box will last depends upon multiple factors. These factors include the type of plyo boxes, the materials used, and the maintenance of these plyo boxes. 

We have categorized the average life of a custom plyo box in the following.  

  • Steel plyo boxes are considered to be long-lasting plyo boxes due to the quality of the material used in manufacturing them. The steel plyo boxes last for as long as 20 years and even more in some cases. 
  • The average life of adjustable custom plyo boxes is 10 to 15 years. Once again, it depends upon how these plyo boxes have been used. 
  • Wood and foam plyo boxes have a useful life of around 10 years. That is due to the vulnerability of wood and foam. 
  • Plastic plyo boxes can last for as long as 5 years. That is because the surface of plastic material can get damaged if used roughly over these years. 

Can different gym members utilize the custom plyo boxes at the same time?

Yes! Multiple users can use custom plyo boxes one by one. You just need to make sure that these plyo boxes are placed in a spacious segment of your gym so that your gym members can perform the exercises they want with these plyo boxes. 

Having multiple plyo boxes in your gym can be a good idea. In that case, your gym members don’t have to wait for their turn if other plyo boxes are busy. 

How much weight can the custom plyo boxes hold?

A custom plyo box is generally considered to bear enough weight that your gym members don’t have to worry about getting the plyo boxes damaged while they exercise. The weight-bearing capacities also depend upon the type of plyo boxes. 

Let’s see what numbers have to say about the bearing weight limits of these custom plyo boxes. 

  • A plastic plyo box can hold up to 300 lbs
  • A wood plyo box can hold up to 400 lbs
  • A steel plyo box can hold up to 550 lbs

Do custom plyo boxes come with different gym accessories?

Custom plyo boxes can be used as single pieces as well as with other gym accessories and equipment. Some of the most common accessories that can come with a custom plyo box are mentioned below. 

  • Barbells – They can also be used along with the custom plyo boxes due to their option of performing multiple exercises. The common exercises are box squat exercise and Barbells Hips Thrust. 
  • Dumbbells – They are the universal gym accessories that can be used as standalone equipment or with other accessories of the gym. Dumbbells can also come with custom plyo boxes as gym members can perform multiple exercises combining dumbbells with custom plyo boxes. Users can perform Bulagrian split-squat exercises and Dumbbell Boxes Jumping.
  • Exercise Balls – They are also the kind of equipment that you can use with a custom plyo box.  A good exercise for increasing stamina can be performed by doing Plyo Box Balls Jumping. 

As a gym owner, you always have a choice whether to accept this equipment along with custom plyo boxes or not. If you already have a sufficient number of accessories in your gym, you can always order custom plyo boxes alone. 

How many custom plyo boxes are enough for a commercial gym?

It depends upon the types and nature of the gym members. A typical gym can have 5 to 10 custom plyo boxes in a gym that would be enough to cater to the exercise requirements of 50 gym members. 

If your commercial gym has more members, then you may require more custom plyo boxes so that your gym members can perform the exercises simultaneously as discussed above in the article. 

How can the custom plyo boxes be maintained for long-term usage?

A good custom plyo box needs proper maintenance to be used in the long term.  Following are the tips to maintain your custom plyo boxes. 

  • Avoid moisture.
  • Take care of the painted surface.
  • Ensure periodic cleanliness.
  • Avoid heat and extreme temperature.
  • Adhere to all the manual guidelines.

What are the average pricing options for custom plyo boxes?

You can find a custom plyo box from $30 to $250 per box. The steel plyo boxes are the most expensive ones while the plastic plyo boxes are the most affordable plyo boxes. 

Let’s look at the average prices of custom plyo boxes as per their types. 

  • Plastic Plyo Box: $30 to $60
  • Wood Plyo Box: $100 to $150
  • Steel Plyo Box: $200 to $250

Final Words

Selecting the right custom plyo boxes for your commercial gym is very important because you may get confused about which plyo box would best suit your needs. 

That is exactly why we have explained every detail about the custom plyo boxes in this FAQ guide. If you think we should cover any other aspect of the custom plyo boxes, do let us know in the comments. 

Yanre Fitness offers premium quality custom plyo boxes in different varieties. Contact us now to get an instant quote.